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What is Entrapment Neuropathy? (MSK Patient Portal)

What is an entrapment neuropathy?

In the upper limb there are various nerves which travel down your arm providing feeling and sensation to your arm and hand. Nerves are important for transmitting electrical signals to and from the brain to our muscles and skin. This allows us to feel sensation through our skin and create movement with the help of muscles supplied by the nerve.

During their journey down the arm, nerves pass between muscles and other soft tissues. They travel over and pass through joints occasionally becoming compressed or irritated at these points. An entrapment neuropathy is where pressure on a segment or a part of a nerve causes it to become irritated, compressed or sometimes even damaged. The most common entrapment neuropathy in the upper limb is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is when the median nerve becomes irritated or compressed at the wrist.

The second most common entrapment neuropathy is Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome is when the ulnar nerve becomes irritated or compressed at the elbow.

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