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MSK Self-Referral

When should I self-refer?

If you have a new injury or problem, visit NHS inform self-help material. Many problems will improve with suitable advice and exercise.

Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions affect the joints, bones and muscles, and also include rarer autoimmune diseases and back pain. Common treatments for MSK conditions include:

•            physiotherapy

•            occupational therapy

•            hand therapy

•            podiatry

•            orthotics

Physiotherapists can help to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability.  They can also help to reduce your risk of injury in the future.

Occupational Therapy aims to improve your ability to do everyday tasks. Occupational therapists can look at all aspects of daily life in your home, school or workplace. They look at activities you find difficult and see if there’s another way they can be done.

Hand Therapists provide assessment and treatment of many MSK hand conditions, including after injury or surgery. They can provide advice regarding exercise, preventative care, and aids to help daily living. Depending on the condition and where you are, you may be treated by a physiotherapist or occupational therapist.

Podiatry treats abnormal conditions of the feet and lower limbs. They also prevent and correct deformity, keep you mobile and active, relieve pain and treat infections.

Orthotics use foot or heel inserts to treat problems relating to pain and discomfort in the feet, legs or spine.

What can I self-refer for?

We are able to assess and manage many musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions which affect the joints, bones and muscles.

Contact NHS 24 on 111, if you have the onset of the following symptoms:

  • Difficulty passing or are unable to pass urine
  • Loss of bowel control
  • Unstable gait, feet do not go where you want them to
  • Numbness or tingling around your back passage or genitals
  • Numbness or pins and needles in BOTH legs
  • Loss of sexual function, unable to achieve and maintain an
    erection or ejaculate
  • Lack of sensation during sexual intercourse

Please see your GP first if you have:

  • Existing diagnosis of Cancer
  • Severe Low Back Pain with night sweats, fever, sickness
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Severe constant night pain
  • Severe pain with history of fatigue
  • Hot or swollen joints
  • Generally unwell
  • A problem that is effecting more than one body part

We can only accept referrals:

for anyone aged 16 years and over


is registered with one of our pilot Medical Practices:

  • Bourtreehill Medical Practice (Irvine)
  • Galston Medical Practice
  • Station Road Medical Practice (Prestwick)

Self-referral is only available to these three practices while we test a new digital platform.

For any other problems, please contact your GP or NHS 24 on 111.

If we receive your self-referral and it is not appropriate for our service, we will let you know.

Completing this form will take around 5 – 10 minutes.

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